Wednesday, April 9, 2008

M(ann)y Leggace

Yeah I know thats not how its spelled but whatever a little hockey joke, and to those of you who are confused as to what I'm talking about I'm curious as to where you got this link from. Anyways I'm pretty sure I will have no legacy and that concept is something that to be honest terrifies me. To think of all the people that have done things SO MUCH greater than anything I will probably ever accomplish is mind botteling. But what terally gets me is the fact that 99% of those people wont be remembered by anyone besides their own grandchildren.

So then I look at my life where the closest thing I have to notoriety/achievments is the fact that I party really hard and am somewhat friendly. Perhaps I'm a terrible insecure/arrogant person or something along those lines at least, but just the idea that my time on this earth means so little is depressing.

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